Nace EggXelente, la primera alternativa vegana al huevo líquido “Made in Spain”

Ethics coffee

En Europa se consumen unos 120 billones de huevos anualmente, lo que significa que cada europeo ingiere 210 huevos anualmente, haciendo de esta proteína animal la más consumida a nivel planetario con unas ventas aproximadas de 32.000 Millones de €.

Sin embargo, las alternativas vegetales al huevo son testimoniales y poco adaptadas al consumidor, representando un 0,001% respecto a su versión animal, a diferencia de otras categorías como lácteos o carne, donde sí existen alternativas consolidadas.

Por eso nace EggXelente, una marca 100% Made in Spain pionera en el desarrollo de la alternativa vegetal al huevo líquido. Elaborado a partir de habas y patata, es un excelente sustituto del huevo líquido y puede cocinarse tanto en sartén como en horno, dando lugar a múltiples recetas

EggXelente es naturalmente alto en proteína, ya que casi un 70% de su valor energético proviene de ella. Tampoco contiene grasas ni gluten, lo que lo hace óptimo para personas que no solo buscan una alternativa vegetal, también saludable.

Se presenta en un formato 100% rPET de 250ml para la venta en retail y 1000ml para Horeca, equivalente a 4 y 16 huevos batidos respectivamente

EggXelente es una marca perteneciente a la compañía Future Foods Hub y será distribuida y comercializada en exclusiva a nivel europeo por Chef Sam.




In Europe, 120 billion eggs are consumed annually, which means that each european eats 210 eggs annually, making this animal protein the most consumed on the planet with sales of approximately €32,000 million.

However, the vegetable alternatives to the egg are testimonial and not very adapted to the consumer, representing 0.001% compared to its animal version, unlike other categories such as dairy or meat, where there are consolidated alternatives.

That is why EggXelente was born, a 100% Made in Spain brand, a pioneer in the development of a vegetable alternative to liquid eggs. Made from broad beans and potatoes, it is an excellent substitute for liquid eggs and can be cooked both in a pan and in the oven, giving rise to multiple recipes.

EggXelente is naturally high in protein, almost 70% of its energy value comes from it. It also does not contain fat or gluten, which makes it optimal for people who are not only looking for a vegetable alternative, but also a healthy one.

It is presented in a 100% rPET format of 250ml for retail sale and 1000ml for Horeca, equivalent to 4 and 16 beaten eggs respectively.

EggXelente is a brand belonging to the Future Foods Hub company and will be exclusively distributed and marketed at a European level by Chef Sam.

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